If you cannot locate a book on the shelf, this may be due to one of the following reasons:
Another borrower has checked out the book. Please check if there is a “due date” under the book information in Discovery . If this is the case, you may request that the book be held for you once returned.
Someone else is currently using the book. If this is the case, search for it again after a few hours.
The book was just returned and has not been re-shelved yet. Check the book carts by the elevator, in case the book has been left there. In case it is not there, search for it again after a few hours.
The book does not belong to the collection you are searching for. There are three basic collections of books in John S. Bailey Library: When searching for the call number of a book in Discovery, make sure you also note down the collection to which it belongs.
The book belongs to another ACG Library. If this is the case, you may request that the book be sent to JSB Library for you to borrow.